MISTRAL Diamond Head (87-88) – B090

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Dokumentace/Documentation: Thanks to Dimitris Savidis (Hitthewave blog), Konrad Romer and Old School Windsurfers group members.

Mistral ´ 88
Nálezový stav / When I saw it for the first time…
1987 cat (1986 model graphics)
1987 cat from Carl Hudson
Mistral 1988
  • Michael Corkeron Nice boards beautiful design and build. The second version was the better IMHO
  • Daniel Hemmann …and Made in Switzerland..
  • Konrad Romer Quite fast planing compared to modern short boards nice volume to keep you floating if the wind drops with small adaptions it can be made modern sail friendlier but doesn’t like too much back foot pressure. …
  • Andrew George Borg I love the Diamond head…it really is more of a freeride than an all-out slalom
Tento obrázek nemá vyplněný atribut alt; název souboru je 94245158_527664024562069_2345073962049863680_o.jpg.

DIAMOND HEAD is ranked the 28th in the BOARD magazine TOP 100 chart. It is 15. within the „oldschool – pre 2000 year boards.